Summer Impressions – The ocean man

“Ah! Summer brings refreshing memories of the time I spent with my wife and kids on the beach. Here, in Philippines, we are surrounded by the sea and we have beautiful beach resorts that we go to charge up once again.
Kids are fascinated by looking at the waves and how the sea water tastes like. They love the sand. One summer, they tried hard to build sand castles,it was great fun. Such pure joy kids are capable of..
You ask me,what do I like about the sea? It calms you. The soft breeze, the smell of the sea,and the waves, they reenergize you. And when you close your eyes,they all seem to work together to relax you like someone giving a really nice massage! Hahaha..
That’s for me and my wifey. My kids though,enjoy everything. And it is pure happiness looking at them so happy and filled with joy. I am looking forward to many days like this.”
Erwil is my friend and colleague from Philippines site. He is ever cheerful and kind. And inspires the same in you 🙂
This is the third post in the series : Summer Impressions.

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